Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fan Fiction review wild sky yonder

Hello every one it's BiYM and it's time for a book review! Now you couldn't tell from the tital or the picture, your an idiot.  Now some of you are doing this right now.
or this -------------->

Well hang in there and read my rant!
O.k. This is a review of "Wild Sky Yonder". This is a back story of Spitfire. The story is a work in progress and can be found here

The story takes place while Spitfire is younger, but still not a child. Young adult, about 19 or 20. We begin with Spitfire being attacked by a thunder bird. After them both being injured the thunder bird falls to it's death, while Spitfire is rescued by none other then Soarin from her untimely meat up with the ground. They bring her to the  rescued  cadets camp, witch was her intended destination. She had been running away from her drunkard of an uncle who took care of her. As it turns out she also running from her self. She was running from her own strength and talents. She also needs wing graphed, so she won't be able to fly, or attend training.

O.K. that was the first chapter in a nut shell. A good pilot and led into the rest quite well. I left out many things important later (including like three characters)

Over the entire work done so far I give it a solid eight out of ten. Very average, but worth the read, but because my point in this is to get you too read it I won't go in depth.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The Nintenbrony Forums

Well hello every one. This is BiYM (I need a better acronym). I'm here to talk to you about the wonderful Nintenbrony forums. This is a gaming forum for bronies (Nintendo bronies hint hint nudge nudge). Now it's a small community, but a wonderful one. It's run by one Mr. Nintenbrony and several moderators. (currently Duskfall GypZtheQuaker SuperMario2199 and Teenbrony7388) I am on there as Benrowe if you wish to talk to me there is a good place. Now all the mods are good people. We have only a few active poster (Like me), but the one's who are are very nice to talk to. You can post really about any game the best way to know what it's like is to jump right in and see for yourself. I hope to see new user on the forums. BiYM sighing off. Hope to see you soon!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello everypony this is the Brony in your mist. I'm going to talk about really any thing. from video games to politics, and of course ponies. Hope to see viewers! BiYM sighing out.